RECAP ~ 2011 Toronto
Lapham Grant Matches; one of the oldest amateur sporting events between two countries in world class style last weekend. The Lapham Grant, an annual squash tournament hosted in alternative years by Canada and the US, is a grand tradition dating back to 1922. The competition is intended to match teams of relative comparable ability in […]
Lapham 2011
Lapham Cup February 12-13,2011 The Granite Club Toronto,ON Canada 16 USA 9 Winner Scores Colin West,Toronto,ON Lee C.Rosen,New York,NY Can 14-12,11-3,11-9 Colin West,Toronto,ON Dylan J.Patterson,New York,NY Can 11-6,11-2,11-4 Scott Stoneburgh,Toronto,ON Lee C.Rosen,New York,NY USA 14-12,8-11,11-8,11-8 Alexander Carter,Toronto,ON Scott A.Denne,Santa Fe,NM Can 11-3,11-6,11-3 James Keene,Toronto,ON Peter N.Cipriano,New York,NY Can 12-10,11-7,11-7 Strachan Jarvis,Toronto,ON Marshall Sebring,New York,NY Can […]
Grant 2011
Grant Trophy: February 12-13,2011 The Granite Club, Toronto, ON Canada 13 USA 14 Winner Scores Scott Stoneburgh,Toronto,ON Peter N.Cipriano,New York,NY CAN 15-12,15-9,15-8 Alexander Carter,Toronto,ON Dylan J.Patterson,New York,NY Ryan Forster,Toronto,ON Will Simonton,New York,NY CAN 15-9,15-6,15-8 Colin West,Toronto,ON William Osnato,New York,NY Ryan Forster,Toronto,ON Lee C.Rosen,New York,NY CAN 15-4,15-10,15-12 Alexander Carter,Toronto,ON Aaron Zimmerman,New York,NY Scott Stoneburgh,Toronto,ON Peter N.Cipriano,New […]
Lawrence-Wilkins 2011
Lawrence-Wilkins Trophy: February 11-13 2011 The Granite Club Toronto ON Canada 4 Capt.Michael McBean,Montreal,QC USA 7 Capt.Kit Tatum,New York,N Winner Scores Edgar Bracht,Toronto,ON John H.Wyant,Cincinnati,OH Can 17-15,15-13,15-8 Norman Lee,Toronto,ON Theodore R.Marmor,New York,NY Peter Jones,Toronto,ON Kit Tatum,New York,NY Can 12-15,15-13,15-9,10-15,15-11 Ronald Bertram,Toronto,ON Dennis M.Clare,Louisville,KY Peter Frost,Toronto,ON John H.Wyant,Cincinnati,OH USA 15-6,17-16,15-8 Harold Hemstad,Toronto,ON Dennis M.Clare,Louisville,KY Edgar Bracht,Toronto,ON […]
Crawford 2011
Crawford Trophy: February 12 – 13, 2011 The Granite Club, Toronto, ON Canada 23 USA 8 Winner Scores Karen Jerome, Burlington, ON Beth A Fedorowich, Pittsburgh, PA Can 11-15, 15-7, 15-12, 15-5 Kirsteen Burton, Toronto, ON Julie Kessler, Ivyland, PA Carmela Kervin, Stouffville, ON Lulu C.Chou, Seattle, WA Can 15-4, 15-8, 15-8 Lolly Gillen, Toronto, […]